Congratulations to all the poets in 50 Haikus Issue #13! The serious poetry journal with the funny name has done it again! Featuring fine selections of poetry by these masters of haiku: Caroline Bardwell, Kylie Benavides, James Bethel, Robert Beveridge, Wayne F Burke, David Capps, Len Carber, Ina Cariño, M.P. Carver, Kristen Clark, Hanna Clayton, Julianne Cook, Harris Coverley, Matthew Cowles, John Delaney, Gabrielle DeStefano, Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo, Amy Fish, Michael Flanagan, Michael Galko, Susan Gentry, Karen Green, Stephen Gretzer, Kelcee Guill, Christopher Hivner, Austin Holmes, Paul Humphrey, John Irwin, Sage McGehe, Bill Melton, Maggie Millus, Grace Neff, Jessica O’Brien, Angela Ostley, Jen Pepper, Martin Potter, Kristina Ramos, Rafael Reyes, Kenneth Salzmann, Angela Sargent, Greg Schwartz, Leslie Simon, Georgia Smith, Ray Spitzenberger, Ann Christine Tabaka, Virginia Thomas, Jonathan Thorn, Nathan Ullman, William Waters, and Ryan Waters.