Tanka Journal Issue #1


Tanka Journal Issue #1 (Chapbook)

Printed on 24# paper with a heavy stock cover. Chapbooks are hand-trimmed, staple bound books with a full color cover.

The book is filled with gorgeous tanka poetry by these fine poets: Aldridge, Bobby; Ancheta, Angelo; Anguiano, Kim; Baxter, Lewis; Beaston, Judy; Berche, Chrystal; Brown, Mandy; Browne, Heather; Bryant, Cathy; Buck, Stu; Burkholder, William; Butler, Janet; Campbell, Colin W.; Cates, Jay; Chameleon, Jesus; Chappell, Grace Hughes; Chircop, Charmaine; Edwards, David; Fitzgerald, Genevieve; Gardiner, Tim; Germain, Melvina; Gunn, Mary; Gusek, Chris; Guzzi, Deborah; Heyward, C. Z.; Hicks, Timothy; Holmes, Carly; Joy, B.t; Kapp, Christina; Kauderer, Herb; Kimathi, Teddy; Krause, Catherine B.; Li, Lily; Lowe, Dennis; Maglas, Marieta; Manus, Grady; Murphy, Mickey; Norman, Dani; Nystrand, Kasha; Olin, Linda Bonney; Ortiz, Sergio; Ortolani, Al; Patterson, Melissa; Penven, Robert; Planko, Christa; Prosser, Lee; Qureshi, Maryam; Rahim , Goran; Robinson, Jackie Maugh; Samuels, Clarise; Sprague, Adam; Wasilewski, Nells; and Zafiris, Spiros.

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