Poetry Quarterly Spring 2016


Poetry Quarterly Spring 2016 (Prize Winner Issue!)

Poetry Quarterly features poetry from all over the world. Each poem is hand-selected (by our erudite Masthead) from thousands of submissions, resulting in a highly enjoyable journal filled with great poems, diverse voices, and persnickety editing.

Special Feature! This issue showcases the poetry of Scott Ruescher, winner of the 2015 Rebecca Lard Award, and recipient of all the accolades and hotdiggitydogs that accompany such a prestigious triumph - (Not to mention a small pile of cash and a mountain of notoriety!)

Sally Worthing offered up a plain-language poem that we can all relate to—a light and simple offering with a heavy impact on people from all cultures…and for this she won an honorable mention. Nicely done!

The rest of the issue is a vessel of virtue, a plethora of poetic prowess, and a colossal confluence of cultured contributions from select poets who submitted laudable poems most-deserving of publication via this esteemed venue. Among these talented, soulful wordsmiths, you will discover gorgeous poetry by Holly Day, Lorin Cuoco, John P. Kristofco, Kelli Allen, Simon Perchik, Howard Winn, Marc Swan, Dennis Trudell, Olivia Inwood, Krishan Coupland, David Pring-Mill, Julie Dickson, Amy Riddell, Julie Dickson, Seth Luke, Charles Kell, Bob Aldridge, Thomas Piekarski, Aaron Brammeier, Scott Hicks, Jill White, Raymund P. Reyes, Katelyn Eden Long, Robert Beveridge, David Anthony Sam, James Tyler, Ayaz Daryl Nielsen, Michael Coolen, Alison Helfrich, Nicholas Adair, John Yohe, Jane Ellen Glasser, Mark Danowsky, Heather Wheat, Caitlin Gerics, Rose Mary Boehm, Mark Lilleleht, Joanna M. Weston, Jackie Maugh Robinson, John Elliott, Eve Chilicas, Loyana Webb, Zach Agnew, W.T. Pfefferle, Robert Nazarene, Douglas Clark, Gary Beck, Andrew Madigan, Samuel Underwood, Claire Scott, Jennifer Lothrigel, Loreena Thiessen, Richard Widerkehr, Rita Chapman, Kathleen Jacobson, Patri Wright, Peter Leight, Jack Harvey, Anna Cates, Seth Jani, Rich Ives, Albert Katz, Michael Roberts, Bill Melton, Alex Andrew Hughes, Michael Estabrook, Charles Braddy, John Grey, Joseph Roberts, KG Newman, and Marian Kaplun Shapiro.

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