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50 Haikus
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Ephemorphosis by Melodic Rose
Ephemorphosis is poetry unleashed. This book can be summarized as an ephemeral metamorphosis and amalgamation of spiritual manifestation. Ephemorphosis is an intense reflection of the human condition and the society we are bound to. It seeks to find the common thread that connects us all. It is a dialogue of the human soul, a mantra for those subjugated within the confines of race, gender, and religion. Ephemorphosis navigates the complexities of life. It is a tapestry woven from the fabric of love, womanhood, justice, and faith. In short, Ephemorphosis is a plight for liberation, a conglomeration of the human struggle, and a testament to resilience.
As the first generation in her family to be born on Canadian soil, Melodic Rose comes from a rich cultural background dynamically impacted by West Indian and Canadian traditions. Over the years, she has developed a strong longing for art that accurately depicts the plethora of nuances, shades, colors, and voices of the literary community.
More about the Poet:
Melodic Rose is a spoken word artist from Montreal. She has written poetry for 15 years. She believes that poetry should be a transcendent experience. That true poetry comes from artistic and emotional vulnerability, and at the heart of it, should reflect the distinct voices and nuances of the human experience. Melodic Rose hopes to reflect this philosophy through her work by producing art that is unbound by the confines of race, gender, or political affiliation, challenging and inspiring others to live with complete authenticity. Her poems, Revolution and Sanctum, have been published by Poetic Matrix. A 2015 Media Portrayal for Vincent Van Gogh was also published by On The Grid. Her latest poem, Resistance, was accepted by Monkey Star Press and will be released in 2016.
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