50 Haikus, Issue 15


Issue #15 features fine poetry by some of the world’s most talented poets, including works by Duane Anderson, Rachel Bachy, Roberta Beach Jacobson, Robert Beveridge, Daniel Birnbaum, Connor Bjotvedt, Danielle Bongiovanni, Ingrid Bruck, Rebekah Coxwell, Trisha Dash, Maria DePaul, Maria Theresa Dimacali, Jacob Diver, Thomas Dollbaum, Brook Edwards, Isaac Eustice, Sina Farajzadeh, Arvilla Fee, Michael Flanagan, Lew Forester, Joanna Friedman, Annette Grunseth, Nelson Hard, Marta Holliday, Dan J. Kirk, C L Killgore, Melissa Laussmann, Kaci Skiles Laws, Bruce Levine, Benjamin Daniel Lukey, Dheepa R. Maturi, Bill Melton, Erin Rice, Haley Rice, Crystal Sidell, Adam Sprague, Jesse Thompson, Jessica Van de Kemp, JR Vork, Gregory Wright, and Rachel Zempel.

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