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The White Forest by Joel Van Valin
Joel Van Valin’s first collection of poetry is a stroll through a lyrical forest filled with sonnets, aubades, hymns, spells and love poems. His verse signals a return to form, evoking Frost, Millay, Dickinson and Byron.
Joel Van Valin is the publisher of the literary journal Whistling Shade, which he founded in 2001. He is the author of a time travel novel, The Grand Dissolute (2015), and a fantasy novel, The Flower of Clear Burning (2002), and he often blogs for the time travel website timetravelnexus.com. His poetry and fiction have appeared in journals such as Dislocate, The Avalon Review, Knockout and The Talking Stick. His poem “Fairy Tale” won the 2017 Park Bugle poetry contest, and his sonnet “The Empty Road” won Best Farewell Sonnet in 2012 in the Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest. Van Valin has been writing poetry since high school, when he was strongly influenced by the Romantics and early 20th century American lyric poets such as Robert Frost, Elinor Wylie and Edna St. Vincent Millay. He currently works as a technical writer and lives with his wife and twin sons in St. Paul.
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