Congratulations to all the poets in Three Line Poetry Issue #47!

Three line poems are fun to read … quick on the first read, then deeply contemplative. Drop by the website,, and read the free online issues, or support the press by grabbing some paperback issues!

Congratulations Ishita Bhattacharya, Heidi Griminger Blanke, Matthew Borczon, Nancy Botta, Siobhan Brightman, Erin Castaldi, Lorraine Cipriano, Julie Corbett, Suzanne Cottrell, Mary Crane Fahey, Brian Dau, Laurie Decker, Valerie Deveraux, Agnieszka Filipek, Michael Flanagan, Susan Gentry, Christopher Greer, Angela Hedman, Lianne Kamp, Rebecca Kane, Eftichia Kapardeli, Albert Katz, Bryon Lagania, Julie P. Lauton, Kayla Layaoen, Marc-us Low, Vyomi Malik, Jackie Maugh Robinson, Robert McManes, Bill Melton, Dean K Miller, Rene Mullen, Kim Payne, Rebecca Poleto, Rachel Pond, Michael Proulx, Maryam Qureshi, Gabriel Rheaume, John Riley, Suzanne Sakai, Angela Sargent, Greg Schwartz, Cody Schweickert, Claire Scott, Katherine Shipp, David Subacchi, Heather Teague, Jonathan Thorn, Hannah-Rose Tristram, and Nells Wasilewski.