Military writer takes aim and finds peace.
Dennis Maulsby, author of Free Fire Zone, began writing about Vietnam and landed a book deal. Maulsby claims writing is good therapy.
Prolific Press received a very interesting manuscript submission, one that told fantastical stories and poems about an American soldier named Rod Teigler. According to the masthead, Glenn Lyvers, there was something all too real beneath the surface of these exciting tales of fiction. Maulsby spent decades remembering small details, tiny truths that make his stories come to life. Lyvers said the book was a “no brainer” and that it was the easiest publishing decision he made all year.
Dennis Maulsby writes for pleasure, but also for therapy. The stories he creates are, in part, a way to cope with the pain of the Vietnam era, and the effects it had on America. “Vietnam isn’t gone, it’s still there.” He writes to ease his own mind about his experiences in Vietnam, and to put his memories to good use.
Free Fire Zone is available at the Prolific Press Bookstore, and at fine booksellers everywhere. Maulsby is available for interviews, readings, or just to talk about his book. He can be contacted through his publisher. Review copies are available to media outlets upon request.