50 Haikus

Book offerings by 50 Haikus http://50Haikus.com

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50 Haikus Issue 14

50 Haikus Issue 14

Featuring fine selections of haiku by these masters of the form: Jesse Abbott, Aaron Barry, Nicholas Campbell, Matthew Cowles, Sandra Cox, Trisha Dash, Maria DePaul, Lynda DeWitt, Maria Theresa Dimacali, David Estringel, Isaac Eustice, Marsha Foss, David Gershan, Michael Glaser, Terri Glass, Shasta Hatter, Jules Henderson, Tom Hickey, Marta Holliday, Emerson Jakes, Caleb Johnson, Brody Johnston, William Landis, Bruce Levine, Roberta McDonald, Bill Melton, Stephanie Metzger, Anne Mikusinski, Pamela Mitchell, Susan Moffat, Patricia Pella, Rachel Pond, Andrea Potyondy-Smith, Hannah Richburg, Tony Roberts, Angela D. Sargent, Anum Sattar, Christian Sexton, Crystal Sidell, Tyrel Sorensen, Mary Spadoni, Ray Spitzenberger, Adam Sprague, Lisa Sullivan, Jesse Thompson, Miriam Thor, Ryan Waters, Kaycee Wilson, Catriona Yule, and Esther Zimmerman


50 Haikus, Issue 1

50 Haikus, Issue 1

Featuring haiku by: Devrie Paradowski, Mariya Koleva, J.A. Roberts, Alessandra Bava, Ross McCooey, Christopher Kenneth Hanson, BM Ward, Biff Rushton, Colin W Campbell, Melissa Anne Walker, Mike Perkins, Alan Summers, Bill W. Melton, Nancy May, Mary Gunn, Stacey Mann, Jesus Chameleon, Ray Scanlon, Eric G. Müller, 2WonJ, Risa Denenberg, J.C. Elkin, Stewart C Baker, Matt Kolbet, Laurie Kolp, David Williams, Marie Lecrivain, Paul Hellweg, Mauricio Gonzalez, Mahima Giri, Rose Mary Boehm, Audrey Samuelson, Mark L. Volz, Shirley Russak Wachtel, Tyson West, K.A. Cummings 5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm) Black & White on White paper 114 pages ISBN-13: 978-1495307638 ISBN-10: 1495307638


50 Haikus, Issue 10

50 Haikus, Issue 10

Featuring poetry by: David Anthony Sam, Sandra Barnett, Gabriel Bates, Kelsey Candice, Erin Castaldi, Anna Cates, Lorraine Cipriano, Nicholas D’Angelo, Maria DePaul, Michael Flanagan, PM Flynn, Vien Lawrence Gabato, Susan Gentry, Kristyl Gravina, Mary Gunn, Jennifer Hambrick, Shasta Hatter, Cynthia Hilts, Lianne Kamp, Hilde Kiernan, Craig Kittner, Martin Knabe, Joseph J Kozma, Catherine LoFrumento, John MacDonald, Mandy Macdonald, Patrick Meighan, Bill Melton, Rene Mullen, Rachel Pond, Ann Randlette, Jackie Maugh Robinson, Fain Rutherford, Angela Sargent, Adam Sprague, Emily Strauss, Ashley Swanson, Cynthia A. Ventresca, JR Vork, Judith Walton, Helen May Williams, Dawn Wing, and Shannon Connor Winward.


50 Haikus, Issue 11

50 Haikus, Issue 11

Featuring fine selections of haiku by Kate Alsbury, Sandra Barnett, Kylie Benavides, Connor Bjotvedt, Ingrid Bruck, Erin Castaldi, Anna Cates, Eve Chilicas, Donald Clermont, Stephanie De Haven, Steven Duncan, Michael Flanagan, Susan Gentry, LFJ Gill, Shasta Hatter, Bob Howe, Melinda Irvine, Erin Jones, Lianne Kamp, Rebecca Kane, Craig Kittner, Joseph Kleponis, Joseph J Kozma, Adam Leckrone, Bruce Levine, Thomas Locicero, Martha Magenta, Beth Mathison, Jackie Maugh Robinson, Eliah Medina, Bill Melton, Ayaz Daryl Nielsen, BanWynn Oakshadow, Rachel Pond, Linda Sacco, David Anthony Sam, Clarise Samuels, Angela Sargent, Ron Scully, JR Vork, Sandra Wells, Rebecca Wener, and Dawn Wing.


50 Haikus, Issue 12

50 Haikus, Issue 12

50 Haikus, the serious poetry journal with the funny name, is proud to bring you another outstanding collection of hand-selected poetry by some of the world's best poets. Featuring fine haiku by Mark Ackerson, Stephanie Ascough, Ally Bebbling, Eva Bertoglio, James Bethel, Connor Bjotvedt, Burt Bradley, Misty Burke, Wayne F. Burke, Robert Cardwell, Jo Carroll, Erin Castaldi, Matthew Cowles, Samuel Diener, Peter Douglas, Linzi Garcia, Susan Gentry, Kristyl Gravina, Maggie Greaves, Mark Grinyer, Shasta Hatter, David Hewitt, Mary Hill, Laura Johnson, Isabelle Kenyon, Joseph J. Kozma, Bruce Levine, Thomas Locicero, Martha Magenta, Jackie Maugh Robinson, Bill Melton, Jonathan Moelker, Justin Orlando, Jen Pepper, Rachel Pond, Elizabeth Reitzell, Adam Rubin, Chanacee Ruth-Killgore, Sarai Salvatierra, Greg Schwartz, Cody Schweickert, Karen Shepherd, Emma Snyder, Adam Sprague, Ann Christine Tabaka, Chandler Torres, Victoria Valle, Thomas Viney, Jorrell Watkins, and Elizabeth Wilks


50 Haikus, Issue 13

50 Haikus, Issue 13

Featuring fine selections of poetry by Caroline Bardwell, Kylie Benavides, James Bethel, Robert Beveridge, Wayne F Burke, David Capps, Len Carber, Ina Cariño, M.P. Carver, Kristen Clark, Hanna Clayton, Julianne Cook, Harris Coverley, Matthew Cowles, John Delaney, Gabrielle DeStefano, Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo, Amy Fish, Michael Flanagan, Michael Galko, Susan Gentry, Karen Green, Stephen Gretzer, Kelcee Guill, Christopher Hivner, Austin Holmes, Paul Humphrey, John Irwin, Sage McGehe, Bill Melton, Maggie Millus, Grace Neff, Jessica O'Brien, Angela Ostley, Jen Pepper, Martin Potter, Kristina Ramos, Rafael Reyes, Kenneth Salzmann, Angela Sargent, Greg Schwartz, Leslie Simon, Georgia Smith, Ray Spitzenberger, Ann Christine Tabaka, Virginia Thomas, Jonathan Thorn, Nathan Ullman, William Waters, and Ryan Waters.


50 Haikus, Issue 15

50 Haikus, Issue 15

Issue #15 features fine poetry by some of the world’s most talented poets, including works by Duane Anderson, Rachel Bachy, Roberta Beach Jacobson, Robert Beveridge, Daniel Birnbaum, Connor Bjotvedt, Danielle Bongiovanni, Ingrid Bruck, Rebekah Coxwell, Trisha Dash, Maria DePaul, Maria Theresa Dimacali, Jacob Diver, Thomas Dollbaum, Brook Edwards, Isaac Eustice, Sina Farajzadeh, Arvilla Fee, Michael Flanagan, Lew Forester, Joanna Friedman, Annette Grunseth, Nelson Hard, Marta Holliday, Dan J. Kirk, C L Killgore, Melissa Laussmann, Kaci Skiles Laws, Bruce Levine, Benjamin Daniel Lukey, Dheepa R. Maturi, Bill Melton, Erin Rice, Haley Rice, Crystal Sidell, Adam Sprague, Jesse Thompson, Jessica Van de Kemp, JR Vork, Gregory Wright, and Rachel Zempel.


50 Haikus, Issue 16

50 Haikus, Issue 16

The Serious Poetry Journal With The Funny Name Featuring fine haiku by Bethany Adams, Jessica Alvarez, Austin Amaya, Duane Anderson, Judith Austic, Cheryl Bateman, Christine Beck, Michael Beebe, Kylie Benavides, Bjorn Bengtsson, Chrystal Berche, F. J. Bergmann, Connor Bjotvedt, Melinda Brasher, Mandy Brown, Darius Brown, Angelica Cabral, Bailey Cohen, Maria Theresa Dimacali, Arvilla Fee, Michael Flanagan, Michael Gray, Kelly Gray, Benjamin Guzovsky, Stephen Jackson, John Kaprielian, Julia Keirns, C L Killgore, Suzannah Kolbeck, Laurie Kuntz, Caitlin Lee-Hendricks, Bruce Levine, Don Magin, Carolyn Martin, Bill Melton, Hermelinda Hernandez Monjaras, DL Mullan, Raffi Ohanian, Michele Rappoport, Sylvia Semel, Yash Seyedbagheri, Anita Soupir, Adam Sprague, Naomi Thiers, Joseph Thomas, Damien Uriah Irwin, Barbara Williams, Gregory Wright, and Rachel Zempel.


50 Haikus, Issue 17

50 Haikus, Issue 17

Featuring fine poetry by Stacey Aldridge, Colleen Anderson, Dennis Appleton, B.A. France, Cheryl Bateman, Susan Bennett, Robert Beveridge, Vassilia Binensztok, Tina Brakebill, Philip Bulman, David Cappella, Brian Chaffee, Michael Cooney, Stephen Curro, Maria Theresa Dimacali, Deborah Dybowski, Ashley Edwards, Steven Engel, Lynette G. Esposito, Michael Flanagan, Nicholas Gentile, Sarah Gregory, Michael Griffith, Rose Menyon Heflin, Jessica Hoard, Marta Holliday, Peter Huff, Judith Kerman, Matthew King, Ashley Knowlton, Andrew Lankford, Douglas Lanzo, Michael Leach, Martina Litty, Christopher Lorello, Maggie Maize, Andrea McBride, Bill Melton, Irina Moga, Vivian Nixon, Roseann Passiatore, Lynne Pledger, Ana Pugatch, Wesley Sims, Russell Spera, Donald Sutton, Chuck Wheeler, Patrice Wilson, Chris Wood, and Nancy Woodward.


50 Haikus, Issue 18

50 Haikus, Issue 18

Featuring fine haiku by Becky Aijala, Kendra Ashcraft, Paul B Allen III, Gabrielle Bernier, Daniel Blackston, Emery Busk, Frank Carellini, C.J. Carter-Stephenson, Joshua Carver, Carolyn Clark, Amy Dagit, Kara De Folo, Valerie Diamond, Emma Diede, Kathryn Eberly, Jessica Foster, Ryan Gallagher, Rich Glinnen, Shweta Govind, Erica Hom, E.S.S. King, Alexandria Lacayo, Caroline Laganas, Olivia Larson, Bruce Levine, Micheal Li, Angela McCann, Bill Melton, Timothy Mueller, Megan Nicholson, Rebecca Olson, Harley Palmer, Shelby Perez, Jonathan Pettit, Alana Rader, Lillian Ramirez, Peter Randazzo, Anastazia Rudolph, Eric Schleder, Greg Schwartz, Hannah Schwed, Ella Shively, Danielle Shojaie, Giuseppe Sloan, Valerie Staton, Katie Stewart, Jennifer Thompson, JR Vork, James Eric Watkins, and Paul Watson.


50 Haikus, Issue 2

50 Haikus, Issue 2

Featuring haiku by: Thom Norgang, Joann Grisetti, Bryan Bridges, Matt Dennison, Joe Nicholas, Ramesh Anand, Raymond Gibson, Luke Roe, Ashok Rajamani, Kaila Philo, Jack Galmitz, Ross McCooey, Colin W Campbell, Damon Ferrell Marbut, Chris Gusek, Sherry Steiner, Jan Evans, Frank Geurrandeno, Miriam Sagan, Susan Koenig, David Williams, Elliot Greiner, Elaine Mattingly, Ernesto P. Santiago, Anna Yin, C.M. Rivers, Darlyn, Pattie Flint, Tyson West, Zoë McLaughlin, Simon Kewin, Linda G Hatton, Roger Pfingston 5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm) Black & White on White paper 114 pages ISBN-13: 978-1495926334 ISBN-10: 1495926338


50 Haikus, Issue 3

50 Haikus, Issue 3

Featuring haiku by: Maggie Irene, Peggy Trojan, Luke Arundel Crane, Sarah Clark Monagle, Kenneth Pobo, Brandon Campbell, Tierney Klein, Tammy T. Stone, Dan Campbell, Brian Gillikin, Elias Red, Peter L. Scacco, Sandra H. Bounds, Perry L. Powell, Max Christian Hansen, Dennis Herrell, Scott Wiggerman, Christopher Morgan, John Hawkhead, Glenn Halak, David M. Harris, Tamara De Dominicis, Dean Bowman, Cathy Bryant, Clarise Samuels, Wendy L. Schmidt, Fabio Sassi, Carl Scharwath, Bob Moreland, Heather M. Browne, Deborah Seewald, Brian Thorstenson, Robert Witmer, Manik Sharma, Doug V. D'Elia, R. M. Rousseau, Rebecca Kane 5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm) Black & White on White paper 114 pages ISBN-13: 978-1495926488 ISBN-10: 1495926486


50 Haikus, Issue 4

50 Haikus, Issue 4

Featuring haiku by: Ira Schaeffer, Deborah Guzzi, Lela Marie De La Garza, Nells Wasilewski, Denny E. Marshall, Pipzi Williams, Neil Ellman, M.J. Iuppa, Dennis Lowe, Michael Cantin, Charma, David Walter, David Kavanaugh, Lee Evans, Artie Fischer, Bryan Bridges, TJ Lyons, Bobby Aldridge, Cynthia Sharp, Melvina Germain, Katherine Osborne, David Galef, Paul Strohm, David Hutt, April Salzano, R K Chowdary, Melissa R. Patterson, W. Luther Jett, Judith Lechner, Eddie Jones, Alissa Oliverson, Patricia Pella, Genevieve Fitzgerald, Lea Booth, strugelje, A.J. Huffman, Graham Smith 5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm) Black & White on White paper 114 pages ISBN-13: 978-1495959738 ISBN-10: 1495959732


50 Haikus, Issue 5

50 Haikus, Issue 5

Featuring haiku by: Tim Gardiner, Mary Gunn, John J. Han, Emily Jo Scalzo, Guy Traiber, Bill Melton, BM Ward, Tyson West, Melissa Anne Walker, Vic Kerry, Audrey Samuelson, Laura Taylor, Alexis Ellyse, Nancy Gauquier, Rachel Blackbirdsong, Kasha Nystrand, Patricia Pella, Nells Wasilewski, Brandon Barrows, Deborah Guzzi, Colin W Campbell, Nancy May, Joseph T Smith, Maria Kelly, Biff Rushton, Brian Bell, Jesus Chameleon, SB Wright, Brian Glaser, Leggett Charles, Nathaniel Hunt, Alissa Oliverson, Valentina Ranaldi-Adams, Frank Geurrandeno, Charman R. Goodwin, Lawrence J. Krips, Robert Witmer 5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm) Black & White on White paper 114 pages Prolific Press ISBN-13: 978-1632750013 ISBN-10: 1632750015 BISAC: Poetry / General


50 Haikus, Issue 6

50 Haikus, Issue 6

50 Haikus represents the best of American Haiku today. American Haiku is brash, breaking the rules and riding the line between tradition and the American spirit (reaching out, pressing the possibilities of form and voice). American Haiku has emerged, influencing poetry in the US and everywhere poets are listening. The 50 Haikus journal receives beautiful works of haiku from around the world. Each issue includes hand-selected poems from among the thousands of submissions we receive annually. Readers will delight in the form and message. Haiku seem to say more than what is possible in just a few syllables, making the form one of the most popular and important elements of poetry today. 50 Haikus is relevant, and an important addition to any library. Reading 50 Haikus is like watching the evolution of poetry unfold, issue after issue. These poems touch readers, and surprise poets. Featuring poems by: Allyson Whipple Aneesha Roy Anita Roberts Soupir Audrey Samuelson Bill W. Melton Chris Gusek Christopher Oie Keller Colin W Campbell David J Kelly Deborah Guzzi Dennis Lowe Gene Grabiner J. Todd Hawkins James Garside Jesus Chameleon John J. Han John Tustin Kasha Nystrand Kennita Ballard Leanne Kinkopf Lucy Q. Williams Marianne Paul Mark L. Volz Melissa Davis Monika Proffitt Nancy May Nells Wasilewski Perry L. Powell Rob Goss Tim Gardiner Troy Harris Tyson West Zoe Dickinson


50 Haikus, Issue 7

50 Haikus, Issue 7

50 Haikus represents the best of American Haiku today. American Haiku is brash, breaking the rules and riding the line between tradition and the American spirit (reaching out, pressing the possibilities of form and voice). American Haiku has emerged, influencing poetry in the US and everywhere poets are listening. The 50 Haikus journal receives beautiful works of haiku from around the world. Each issue includes hand-selected poems from among the thousands of submissions we receive annually. Readers will delight in the form and message. Haiku seem to say more than what is possible in just a few syllables, making the form one of the most popular and important elements of poetry today. 50 Haikus is relevant, and an important addition to any library. Reading 50 Haikus is like watching the evolution of poetry unfold, issue after issue. These poems touch readers, and surprise poets. Featuring poems by: A.J. Huffman, Amy Bell, Amy Weaver, Anna Cates, Bill Melton, Carol Kohn, Christopher Gusek, Colin Campbell, Dane Miller, Deborah Guzzi, Edward Huddleston, Elizabeth Mitchell, Grace Black, Herb Kauderer, Jackie Maugh Robinson, Jason C. Segarra, Joann Grisetti, John Reinhart, Joseph J Kozma, Joseph Roberts, Kasha Nystrand, Katherine Sukeforth, Kaylea Champion, Liz Moore, Macie Lamontagne, Mario Sakran, Mark Volz, Martin Gottlieb Cohen, Maryam Qureshi, Rebecca Kane, Stephan Anstey, Suchishraba Sarangi, Teddy Kimathi, Tiffany Dias, ToWednesday Sibley, with featured poem by Elena Malec, 5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm) Black & White on White paper 114 pages Prolific Press ISBN-13: 978-1632750419 ISBN-10: 1632750414


50 Haikus, Issue 8

50 Haikus, Issue 8

Featuring poems by: Gavin Austin, Vincent Baverso, Michael Blackburn, Michelle Burchett, Anna Cates, Lorraine Cipriano, Nina Dillon, Ana Drobot, Katherine Du, Kimberly England, Susan Gentry, Gabriella Giugliano, Jorge Gutierrez, Deborah Guzzi, Robert Hansen, Alexis Henderson, Rebecca Kane, Herb Kauderer, Pat Kennelly, Joseph J Kozma, Kate LaDew, Harley Lethalm, Brooke Lundgren, Josephine Mattia, Bill Melton, Caroline Nazareno, Marianne Paul, Dottie Piet, Rachel Pond, Sue Reeves, John Reinhart, Joseph Roberts, Jackie Maugh Robinson, Laura Rogalsky, Kathryn Ross, Ron Scully, Keith Simmonds, Pat Tompkins, and Juliet Wilson.


50 Haikus, Issue 9

50 Haikus, Issue 9

50 Haikus, the serious journal with the funny name, has produced another issue packed with hand-selected poems by an assortment of highly-talented poets. Featuring poems by: Sandra Barnett, Paul Beech, Robert Beveridge, Eliza Callard, Patricia Campion, Bob Carlton, Erin Castaldi, Anna Cates, Lorraine Cipriano, Nicholas Dangelo, Michael Flanagan, Amy Fletcher, Jay Friedenberg, Susan Gentry, Tanya Grae, Christopher Gusek, Deborah Guzzi, James Croal Jackson , Joseph J Kozma, Rebecca Kane, Alethea Kehas, Martin Knabe, Brea McConnal, Catfish McDaris, Bill Melton, Ian Mullins, Kasha Nystrand, JoyAnne ODonnell, Rachel Pond, John Reinhart, Jackie Maugh Robinson, Jenny Sanders, Ron Scully, Bill Simmons, Greg Stidham, JR Vork, David White, and Kim Drew Wright. Perfect Bound 112 Pages ISBN: 978-1-63275-063-1
