Jitter Press

Book offerings by Jitter Press http://JitterPress.com

Product Image Item Name+ Price
Jitter (Issue #8)

Jitter (Issue #8)

Featuring fine selections of horror by Jay Adair, Edward Ahern, Michael Jess Alexander, Kevin Andersen, Robert Baldwin, Jason R. Barden, Richard Beauchamp, A.D. Black, CL Bledsoe, Gabrielle Bleu, Sally Clarke, Frank Coffman, Mike Coste, Harris Coverley, Jessica Renee Dawson, Maria DePaul, Jeff Dosser, Angela Dowdy, Kirk Eckstine, Myke Edwards, Luke Foster, Annette Gagliardi, Steven Wittenberg Gordon, MD, Alexandra Grunberg, Robert Hale, Kyle Ellis Barry Hare, James Harris, C.J. Heckman, Tom Howard, Linda Imbler, Lianne Kamp, C L Killgore, Aurora Lewis, Dean Macallister, Selena Martens, John McKernan, Jeff Metzler, Alan Meyrowitz, Terry Miller, Jennifer Montgomery, Briana Morgan, James Edward O'Brien, Christine M Offutt, Kemal Onor, Trent Phillippe, Christa Planko, Andrew Potter, Ken Poyner, John Reilly, Clark Roberts, Daymond C. Roman, Kent Rosenberger, Erica Schaef, Russell Schneider, Susan Snyder, Haley Ruth Spencer, Megha Sood, Kelly Stolle, Jesse Thompson, Shannon Thompson, Matias F. Travieso-Diaz, Edward Turner III, Lamont A. Turner, Bill Yarborough, and Jake Zawlacki.


Jitter (Issue #7)

Jitter (Issue #7)

Dark Poetry and Tales of Horror by these Masterminds of Terror: Edward Ahern, Matthew F. Amati, Philip Athans, Joshua Begley, Les Bohem, Richard G. Bouchard, Jo Carroll, C.J. Carter-Stephenson, Frank Coffman, Scott J. Couturier, Samantha Curreli, H.B. Diaz, Dylan Dickens, Phillip Englund, Ryan Neil Falcone, Lynsey Farnsworth, Susan Gentry, Anna Gooding-Call, Ken Grant, Gerri R. Gray, Gogi Hale, Chip Jett, Cameron Kirk, Alan Meyrowitz, Glenn Moss, James Pack, J. W. Parr, Simon Perchik, Kristi Petersen Schoonover, Christa Planko, A.Poythress, Clark Roberts, Rory Say, Willow Schafer, Greg Schwartz, Jon Simmons, Susan Snyder, Nicole Tanquary, Jesse Thompson, Shannon Thompson, DJ Tyrer, Ann Christine Tabaka, Lamont A. Turner, and John Wolf.


Jitter (Issue #6)

Jitter (Issue #6)

Hand-selected horrors by Dan Allen, Kevin Andersen, Tiffany Michelle Brown, Frank Coffman, Emily Cohen, Stephanie De Haven, Bill DeArmond, Kirk Eckstine, Luke Evans, Alyson Faye, Susan Gentry, Dean Grondo, Tiffany Harmon, Dave Harper, Julie A. Helling, Lianne Kamp, Mark Keane, Charles Kell, Martha Magenta, Christopher Malone, S. Alessandro Martinez, Rick McQuiston, Alan Meyrowitz, Terry Miller, Mike Murphy, John Reinhart, Russell Richardson, Chanacee Ruth-Killgore, Greg Schwartz, Jon Simmons, Jeff C. Stevenson, Edmund Stone, Joe Taylor, Nikhil Tiwari, Jacqueline Valacich, and Zoё Woodard.


Jitter (Issue #5)

Jitter (Issue #5)

Dark prose and tales of horror by these masterminds of terror: J.R. Alfieri, Kevin Andersen, Leslie Bohem, Chantal Boudreau, Clifford Browder, Gary Buller, S.L. Dixon, Michael Estabrook, Susan Gentry, Anita G. Gorman, Kristyl Gravina, Jill Hand, Kev Harrison, Marcus Hawke, Lianne Kamp, Jedidiah Kirchner, Thomas Kleaton, Simon McHardy, Alan Meyrowitz, Rene Mullen, Joseph Rubas, Josh Sczykutowicz, Christopher Stolle, Dan Thorn, Arthur Walterson, Christopher Waltz, and Alexander Zelenyj.


Jitter (Issue #4)

Jitter (Issue #4)

Jitter (Issue#4) is filled with stories and poems of horror by these masters of terror: Kevin Andersen, Rick Baldwin, Brandon Barrows, R.M. Warren, Adam Breckenridge, Christa Carmen, Dana Copeland, Stephan Deemer, Chris Dykes, Aaron Emmel, Cameron Filas, Justin Fleischman, Tim Gardiner, Patricia George, Robert Hansen, Gary Hewitt, Christopher Hivner, Scott Jessop, Ken L. Jones, Roger Leatherwood, Stephen McQuiggan, Jacob Mielke, David Novak, and Atris Ray III.


Jitter (Issue #3)

Jitter (Issue #3)

Jitter Press proudly presents "Jitter" Issue #3. Guaranteed to scare the hell out of you, Jitter is packed full of poems and stories of horror by hand-selected authors. Featuring these masterminds of terror: C. Z. Heyward Steve Loring Jacob Mielke Kristina Mosley Ben Klayer Melissa R. Patterson Geoffrey Marsh John Bruni Teddy Kimathi Layla Cummins Nabeela Altaf Ken L. Jones Deborah Guzzi Aaron Reddoch Evan Osborne Kevin L. Jones Julia Andretta Jay Lester Mary Gunn Zoe Kaisharis Leslie Bohem John Robinson Ace Antonio Hall Doug Hawley Thomas Edmund Jessica Marie Baumgartner Stephen Reynolds Craig Steven Carolyn Smuts Kyle Frost


Jitter (Issue #2)

Jitter (Issue #2)

Jitter Press proudly presents "Jitter" issue #2. Guaranteed to scare the hell out of you, Jitter is packed full of poems and stories of horror by hand-selected authors. Featuring these masterminds of terror: C.K. Walker Nikki Carr Michael J Frey Meredith Bland Matt Moore Ken L. Jones Kenneth Jobe Ken Goldman Jason Bougger Vic Kerry Hal Kempka Dan Nielsen Chris Dezarn Carolyn A. Smuts Carmen Tudor Cameron Filas Brandon Barrows Ann Swann Anastasia Kalos


Jitter (Issue #1)

Jitter (Issue #1)

Jitter Press proudly presents "Jitter" issue #1. Guaranteed to scare the hell out of you, Jitter is packed full of poems and stories of horror by hand-selected authors. Featuring these masterminds of terror: Aaron Polson Adam Armstrong Beth Heald Christopher Walsh Daniel Davis Dave Morehouse Kyle Hemmings Doug D'Elia Elias Red Frank Morelli Jason Lairamore Jon Alston Jordan Blum Joseph Farley L.C. Holst Matthew J. Hall Stephen Mcquiggan Wayne Russell Scáth Beorh Lela Marie De La Gaza Kevin Blankenship John Grey Marie Lecrivain Lawrence Buentello Michael C. Keith
